2010年1月4日 星期一

List of Open Source Blackberry Applications -- Become a Developer! [Archive] - PDA street forums


All are GNU GPL Open Source!
Good starter source code to begin writing your own Blackberry applications
Question: Do I need to sign my Blackberry application?
Answer: No. Blackberry applications do not need to be signed unless you want special API's such as notification API's, vibrator alerts, etc. Anybody can write applications for the Blackberry as a compliant .jar file, and package it as a .jad Over-The-Air download (BlackberryOS 3.6 or later) or as a .cod file installable by Blackberry Desktop. For more information, refer to the RIM Developer website.
Question: Can I just write generic Java apps for BlackBerry
Answer: Yes, if you write within the confines of SUN Java J2ME/MIDP 1.0, you don't even need to look at RIM Developer website at all! Your application can be designed to work on almost all Java cellphones (not just Blackberry). Take a look at Sun's website for information about making Java J2ME/MIDP applications ("midlets").
Question: The source code was designed for a Nokia or Motorola cellphone, will it work?
Answer: Probably, if it was designed as a Java midlet (J2ME MIDP 1.0)
Question: Do I need MDS?
Answer: Yes, you need MDS or at least a model 6510/7510 Blackberry to run Internet-based applications on the BlackBerry. See my MDS Hosting FAQ for more information.
Question: Can I do Over-The-Air software downloads?
Answer: Yes, you can download .jad files to your Blackberry with BlackberryOS 3.7 or later, assuming you already have BES/MDS. (This will change soon; then most North America Blackberry users will be able to do Over-The-Air downloads)
BlackChat ICQ chatting software. Tested; Works!
VIRCA Midlet. Tested; Works!
Simple WAP-powered IRC Chat Client. Tested; Works less reliably than above.
VNC midlet client for remote control of your PC (similiar to PCAnywhere / GoToMyPC). Tested; some mouse-click problems that needs to be fixed.
Open source Telnet/SSH clients available now for J2ME. Not yet tested due to incompatible .jad file; should be Blackberry compatible after minor modification or a repackaging. Also see Sun's telnet midlet sample code (http://developers.sun.com/techtopics/mobility/midp/articles/termemulator1/).

List of Open Source Blackberry Applications -- Become a Developer! [Archive] - PDA street forums
